The Online Magic 8 Ball

Magic 8 Ball, Online: A CSS Experiment, Tom Hinson Design, Atlanta

Fun with CSS

The classic Magic 8 Ball, online, with a twist: lots more snarky answers. ‘Cause I’m pretty sure we all need that.

Though this 2019 project was just for fun, the goal was to push what could be done with CSS or cascading style sheets, the ‘code’ that drives the appearance—and to some extent, the functionality—of all websites.

For a touch of realism, the background triangle and text appear from random angles and directions, and the text is blurred until it gets to the top. It’s responsive, so everything, including the text, resizes to fit your phone so you can get answers you need on the go.

Visit the online Magic 8 Ball to ask your questions now. The answers just can’t be wrong. Right? 😉

Online Magic 8 Ball

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